Paying it Forward

Mindful Movement Collective is honored to be a supporter of FINCA, an organization close to my heart. As a single mother and sole provider to my three children for many years, I credit being an entrepreneur and having a small business to leverage (as well as support from friends, family, and my own spiritual devotion) with sustaining my daughters and I through those years of struggle. I am happy, grateful, and humbled to have transitioned from the state of "surviving". FINCA is an organization that offers the same hope and a boost to women in developing countries who find themselves alone as providers for their families by administering microloans to them so that they may build their own small businesses and streams of income. Mindful Movement Collective maintains five percent of its profit in constant rotation at FINCA, helping women and men bridge the gaps from despair to surviving and from surviving to thriving. So, just by taking care of your body here at the studio, you are simultaneously helping families you likely will never meet.
I thank you for that,
For more information:

Mindful Movement Collective, LLC

2800 Pleasant Hill Road, Suite 222
Pleasant Hill, CA 94523
Tel: 510.427.6518
© 2022 by Mindful Movement Collective, LLC